

raw haskell source

#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack script --resolver lts-22.6 
    --package linear
    --package waterfall-cad
    --extra-dep waterfall-cad-
    --extra-dep opencascade-hs-

This is a Haskell Stack script, it's executable, and needs the Haskell Stack Build Tool installed to work.

On Linux, you'll need to install opencascade before running this.
On Debian based systems, this can be done with the following command:

    sudo apt-get install libocct-data-exchange-7.6 libocct-data-exchange-dev libocct-draw-7.6 libocct-draw-dev libocct-foundation-7.6 libocct-foundation-dev libocct-modeling-algorithms-7.6 libocct-modeling-algorithms-dev libocct-modeling-data-7.6 libocct-modeling-data-dev libocct-ocaf-7.6 libocct-ocaf-dev libocct-visualization-7.6 libocct-visualization-dev occt-misc

On Macos, you should be able to install OpenCASCADE via homebrew:

    brew install opencascade

On Macos, you'll also need to configure the path to the OpenCASCADE header files, either via extra-include-dirs, or CPATH:

    export CPATH=$CPATH:/usr/local/Cellar/opencascade/7.*/include/opencascade/

import qualified Waterfall 
import Linear 
import Data.Function ((&))

object :: Waterfall.Solid
object = 
    let cubeBelow = 
            Waterfall.centeredCube &
                Waterfall.translate (-0.5 *^ unit _z) &
                Waterfall.uScale 3 
        removeBottom = (`Waterfall.difference` cubeBelow)
        dome = removeBottom $ Waterfall.unitSphere
        brim = 
            Waterfall.prism 0.05 $ Waterfall.fromPath $ Waterfall.pathFrom (V2 0 1)
                [ Waterfall.lineTo (V2 1 1)
                , Waterfall.bezierTo (V2 1.6 1) (V2 1.75 0.4)(V2 1.75 0)
                , Waterfall.bezierTo (V2 1.75 (-0.4)) (V2 1.6 (-1)) (V2 1 (-1))
                , Waterfall.lineTo (V2 0 (-1))
                , Waterfall.lineTo (V2 0 1)
        headspace = Waterfall.uScale 0.95 Waterfall.unitSphere
        bandgap = 
            Waterfall.centeredCylinder &
                Waterfall.scale (V3 0.3 0.4 1) &
                Waterfall.rotate (unit _y) (pi/2) &
                removeBottom &
                Waterfall.translate (V3 (-1) 0 0.1)
        in  mconcat [dome, brim] `Waterfall.difference` mconcat [headspace, bandgap]

main :: IO ()
main = Waterfall.writeSTL 0.01 "cap.stl" object