It’s the Scala logo, but it’s designed in Haskell
{- stack script --resolver lts-22.6
--package linear
--package waterfall-cad
--extra-dep waterfall-cad-
--extra-dep opencascade-hs-
-- short-description: Scala Logo
-- description: It's the Scala logo, but it's designed in Haskell
-- image:
-- image:
import qualified Waterfall
import Linear
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Data.Function ((&))
-- References:
-- 1. A. Riskus, "Approximation of a Cubic Bezier Curve by Circular Arcs and Vice Versa"
-- 2. Imre Juhasz, "Approximating the helix with rational cubic Bezier curves"
createHelicalArc :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Waterfall.Path
createHelicalArc r pitch incAngle let alpha = incAngle / 2 -- half included angle
= pitch/(2* pi) -- helix height per radian
p = r * cos alpha
ax = r * sin alpha
ay = p * alpha * (r - ax) * (3*r - ax)/(ay * (4*r - ax) * tan alpha)
b = V3 ax (negate ay) (negate alpha*p)
b0 = V3 ((4*r - ax)/3) (negate $ (r - ax)*(3*r - ax)/(3*ay)) (negate b)
b1 = V3 ((4*r - ax)/3) ((r - ax)*(3*r - ax)/(3*ay)) b
b2 = V3 ax ay (alpha*p)
b3 in Waterfall.bezier b0 b1 b2 b3
scalaLogo :: Waterfall.Solid
scalaLogo let radius = 20
= 20
pitch = 8
segmentsPerTurn = fromIntegral segmentsPerTurn
segmentsPerTurn' = 2 * pi / segmentsPerTurn'
incAngle = pitch / segmentsPerTurn'
incHeight = createHelicalArc radius pitch incAngle
segment = Waterfall.translate (incHeight *^ unit _z) . Waterfall.rotate (unit _z) incAngle
oneStep = 5 * segmentsPerTurn `div` 2
totalSegments = mconcat . take totalSegments . iterate oneStep $ segment
path = Waterfall.uScale2D 7.5 Waterfall.unitCircle
profile = Waterfall.scale (V3 radius radius 150) Waterfall.centeredCylinder `Waterfall.difference`
mask V3 (radius-2.5) (radius-2.5) 200) Waterfall.centeredCylinder
Waterfall.scale (= Waterfall.rotate (unit _z) (pi + incAngle/2)
logo `Waterfall.intersection` mask)
(Waterfall.sweep path profile Just (V3 _ _ minZ, _) = Waterfall.axisAlignedBoundingBox logo
in Waterfall.translate (negate minZ *^ unit _z) logo
lsugBase :: Waterfall.Font -> Waterfall.Solid
lsugBase font let mkText = Waterfall.rotate (unit _x) (pi/2) . Waterfall.prism 2 . Waterfall.text font
= mkText <$> reverse ["London", "Scala", "User", "Group"]
textLines = mconcat $ zipWith (Waterfall.translate . (V3 0 0)) [5, 12 .. ] textLines
allText = 50
sideL = 31
sideH bevelCondition :: (V3 Double, V3 Double) -> Maybe Double
bevelCondition (v1, v2) if ((v1 ^. _z) == 0) && ((v2 ^. _z) == 0)
then Nothing
else if ((v1 ^. _xy) == (v2 ^. _xy))
then Just 10
else Just 2
= Waterfall.centeredCube
box & Waterfall.translate (0.5 *^ unit _z)
& Waterfall.scale (V3 sideL sideL sideH)
& Waterfall.roundConditionalFillet bevelCondition
= Waterfall.scale (V3 15 15 12) Waterfall.centeredCylinder
coinGap = Waterfall.translate ((1 - sideL/2) *^ unit _y) allText
positionedText = Waterfall.translate ((sideH - 5) *^ unit _z) scalaLogo
positionedLogo in (box `Waterfall.difference` (positionedText <> coinGap)) <> positionedLogo
subtleBase :: Waterfall.Solid
subtleBase let r = 18
= 5
h = Waterfall.scale (V3 15 15 8) Waterfall.centeredCylinder
coinGap in Waterfall.centeredCylinder
& Waterfall.translate (unit _z /2)
& Waterfall.scale (V3 r r h)
& (`Waterfall.difference` coinGap )
& (<> scalaLogo)
main :: IO ()
= do
main <- Waterfall.fontFromSystem "monospace" Waterfall.Regular 8
font 0.25 "scala-logo-lsug-base.stl" (lsugBase font)
Waterfall.writeSTL 0.25 "scala-logo-subtle-base.stl" subtleBase Waterfall.writeSTL